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effective distribution中文是什么意思

用"effective distribution"造句"effective distribution"怎么读"effective distribution" in a sentence


  • 有效分布


  • Analysis of flange effective distribution width of new type of gfrp composite beam
  • Effective distribution width concerning cantilever plate with linearly varying depth
  • Yield constitute and effective distribution of assimilative products of american ginseng
  • That is proving a more effective distribution channel than giving them away free
  • The key issue of ultimate controlling power is how to reach the effective distribution of ultimate controlling
  • In development for western china , eastern enterprises merging western ones is an important way to transferring the capital and accelerating the effective distribution and reconstruction of western deposit assets
  • Bancassurance means bank either network of post office sale insurance produce of life insurance , now it became the most popular and effective distribution way adopted by western developed country life insurance corporation
    银行保险( bancassurance )是指寿险公司通过银行或邮局网络销售特定的保险产品,目前已成为西方发达国家寿险业普遍采用且行之有效的分销渠道。
  • Now nf logistics has started to reengineer its existing stocking and transportation business according to modern logistic standards , with the goal to become a third party logistics provider , nf logistics has to build up the controlling center of information and effective distribution center
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"effective distribution"造句  
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